custom javascript gallery
2005javascript image gallery
This drove my site for a long time, and I still prefer the UX and implementation in many ways compared to most of the out-of-the-box gallery plugins I see around, save for the somewhat tedious admin aspect due to it’s entirely front-end nature. Would be nice as a WP plugin, though it would require an entire re-write to get up-to-date.
This is a simplified version of the .HTML containing only the elements that are affected by or required by the functions. galleryFunctions.js and paintings.js are sourced in the tag. The function drawGallery(start, end) is called within the after the necessary DOM elements. Because the script requires a start & end variable it’s possible to break 1 array up into various sections of thumbnails.
This is the content of “galleryFunctions.js.”, which contains the drawGallery(); functions.
Each gallery page then loads a .js file defining the arrays into which you insert all the content for each item in your gallery. In this case, the “paintings.js.” file
This is a simplified version of the .HTML containing only the elements that are affected by or required by the functions. galleryFunctions.js and paintings.js are sourced in the tag. The function drawGallery(start, end) is called within the after the necessary DOM elements. Because the script requires a start & end variable it’s possible to break 1 array up into various sections of thumbnails.
<script language=”javascript” src=”../scripts/galleryFunctions.js”></script>
<script language=”javascript” src=”../scripts/paintings.js”></script>
<body bgcolor=”#ffffff”>
<img src=”images/placeholder.gif” name=”mainImage” border=”0″>
<td align=”left”>
<span id=”captionLeft” class=”generalText”></span></td>
<td align=”right”>
<span id=”captionRight” class=”generalText”></span></td>
<td align=”left”>
<a onmouseover=”arrowOn(‘Left’)” onmouseout=”arrowOff(‘Left’)” href=”#”>
<img src=”images/arrowLeftGray.gif” alt=”” name=”arrowLeft” height=”18″ width=”9″ border=”0″></a></td>
<td align=”right”>
<a onmouseover=”arrowOn(‘Right’)” onmouseout=”arrowOff(‘Right’)” href=”#”>
<img src=”images/arrowRightGray.gif” alt=”” name=”arrowRight” height=”18″ width=”9″ border=”0″></a></td></tr></table>
<span id=”moreInfo”></span>
<script type=”text/javascript”>loadFirstImage();</script>
<span class=”thumbnailArea”>
<script type=”text/javascript”>drawGallery(0,3);</script><br><br>
<script language=”javascript” src=”../scripts/galleryFunctions.js”></script>
<script language=”javascript” src=”../scripts/paintings.js”></script>
<body bgcolor=”#ffffff”>
<img src=”images/placeholder.gif” name=”mainImage” border=”0″>
<td align=”left”>
<span id=”captionLeft” class=”generalText”></span></td>
<td align=”right”>
<span id=”captionRight” class=”generalText”></span></td>
<td align=”left”>
<a onmouseover=”arrowOn(‘Left’)” onmouseout=”arrowOff(‘Left’)” href=”#”>
<img src=”images/arrowLeftGray.gif” alt=”” name=”arrowLeft” height=”18″ width=”9″ border=”0″></a></td>
<td align=”right”>
<a onmouseover=”arrowOn(‘Right’)” onmouseout=”arrowOff(‘Right’)” href=”#”>
<img src=”images/arrowRightGray.gif” alt=”” name=”arrowRight” height=”18″ width=”9″ border=”0″></a></td></tr></table>
<span id=”moreInfo”></span>
<script type=”text/javascript”>loadFirstImage();</script>
<span class=”thumbnailArea”>
<script type=”text/javascript”>drawGallery(0,3);</script><br><br>
This is the content of “galleryFunctions.js.”, which contains the drawGallery(); functions.
//ursula’s javascript gallery! source:
//free to be modified or shared however u like, but not sold
//determine the initial gallery content & arrow links
function loadFirstImage(){
document.mainImage.src = imgDirectory + images[0] + “.jpg”;
document.getElementById(“captionLeft”).innerHTML = textLeft[0];
document.getElementById(“captionRight”).innerHTML = textRight[0];
document.getElementById(“moreInfo”).innerHTML = additionalText[0];
document.arrowLeft.onclick = function leftArrowLink1(){
changeImage(images[images.length – 1])
document.arrowRight.onclick = function rightArrowLink1(){
//check to see if we should get rid of the outline
for (j = 0; j<imagesNoOutline.length; j++){
if (imagesNoOutline[j] == images[0])
if (imagesNoOutline[j] == images[0]){ = “#ffffff”;
} else { = “#a9a9a9”;
// make the thumbnail gallery!
function drawGallery(start,stop){
for (g=start; g<stop; g++){
thumbnail = “<a href=’#’ onClick = ‘changeImage(\””
thumbnail += images[g]
thumbnail += “\”)’>”;
//check to see if the thumbnail is in the no outline array
for (h = 0; h<imagesNoOutline.length; h++){
if (imagesNoOutline[h] == images[g])
// determine the thumbnail style
if (images[g] == imagesNoOutline[h]){
thumbnail += “<img class=’galHoverWht galleryThumbnail’ src='”
} else {
thumbnail += “<img class=’galHoverGry galleryThumbnail’ src='”
thumbnail += imgDirectory
thumbnail += images[g]
thumbnail += “_sm.jpg’>”;
thumbnail += “</a>”;
//change the content
function changeImage(newImage) {
for (i = 0; i<images.length; i++){
if (images[i] == newImage)
document.mainImage.src = imgDirectory + newImage + “.jpg”;
document.getElementById(“captionLeft”).innerHTML = textLeft[i];
document.getElementById(“captionRight”).innerHTML = textRight[i];
document.getElementById(“moreInfo”).innerHTML = additionalText[i];
//change the left arrow link
if (i == 0){
previousImage = images[images.length – 1];
} else {
previousImage = images[i – 1];
document.arrowLeft.onclick = function leftArrowLink2(){
//change the right arrow link
if (i == images.length – 1){
nextImage = images[0];
} else {
nextImage = images[i + 1];
document.arrowRight.onclick = function rightArrowLink2(){
//check to see if we should get rid of the outline
if (imagesNoOutline){
for (j = 0; j<imagesNoOutline.length; j++){
if (imagesNoOutline[j] == newImage)
if (imagesNoOutline[j] == newImage){ = “#ffffff”;
} else { = “#a9a9a9”;
//free to be modified or shared however u like, but not sold
//determine the initial gallery content & arrow links
function loadFirstImage(){
document.mainImage.src = imgDirectory + images[0] + “.jpg”;
document.getElementById(“captionLeft”).innerHTML = textLeft[0];
document.getElementById(“captionRight”).innerHTML = textRight[0];
document.getElementById(“moreInfo”).innerHTML = additionalText[0];
document.arrowLeft.onclick = function leftArrowLink1(){
changeImage(images[images.length – 1])
document.arrowRight.onclick = function rightArrowLink1(){
//check to see if we should get rid of the outline
for (j = 0; j<imagesNoOutline.length; j++){
if (imagesNoOutline[j] == images[0])
if (imagesNoOutline[j] == images[0]){ = “#ffffff”;
} else { = “#a9a9a9”;
// make the thumbnail gallery!
function drawGallery(start,stop){
for (g=start; g<stop; g++){
thumbnail = “<a href=’#’ onClick = ‘changeImage(\””
thumbnail += images[g]
thumbnail += “\”)’>”;
//check to see if the thumbnail is in the no outline array
for (h = 0; h<imagesNoOutline.length; h++){
if (imagesNoOutline[h] == images[g])
// determine the thumbnail style
if (images[g] == imagesNoOutline[h]){
thumbnail += “<img class=’galHoverWht galleryThumbnail’ src='”
} else {
thumbnail += “<img class=’galHoverGry galleryThumbnail’ src='”
thumbnail += imgDirectory
thumbnail += images[g]
thumbnail += “_sm.jpg’>”;
thumbnail += “</a>”;
//change the content
function changeImage(newImage) {
for (i = 0; i<images.length; i++){
if (images[i] == newImage)
document.mainImage.src = imgDirectory + newImage + “.jpg”;
document.getElementById(“captionLeft”).innerHTML = textLeft[i];
document.getElementById(“captionRight”).innerHTML = textRight[i];
document.getElementById(“moreInfo”).innerHTML = additionalText[i];
//change the left arrow link
if (i == 0){
previousImage = images[images.length – 1];
} else {
previousImage = images[i – 1];
document.arrowLeft.onclick = function leftArrowLink2(){
//change the right arrow link
if (i == images.length – 1){
nextImage = images[0];
} else {
nextImage = images[i + 1];
document.arrowRight.onclick = function rightArrowLink2(){
//check to see if we should get rid of the outline
if (imagesNoOutline){
for (j = 0; j<imagesNoOutline.length; j++){
if (imagesNoOutline[j] == newImage)
if (imagesNoOutline[j] == newImage){ = “#ffffff”;
} else { = “#a9a9a9”;
Each gallery page then loads a .js file defining the arrays into which you insert all the content for each item in your gallery. In this case, the “paintings.js.” file
images = new Array();
textLeft = new Array();
textRight = new Array();
additionalText = new Array();
images[0] = “maxAndMichael”;
textLeft[0] = “<i>Max & Michael</i><br>oil on linen, 80 x 50 cm”;
textRight[0] = “2005”;
additionalText[0] = “”;
images[1] = “whoreMadonna1”;
textLeft[1] = “<i>Whore Madonna 1</i><br>oil on canvas, 110 x 174 cm”;
textRight[1] = “2006”;
additionalText[1] = “”;
images[2] = “bananaSplit”;
textLeft[2] = “<i>Banana Split</i><br>oil on canvas, 122 x 162 cm”;
textRight[2] = “2005”;
additionalText[2] = “”;
imagesNoOutline = new Array();
imagesNoOutline[0] = “maxAndMichael”;
imagesNoOutline[1] = “whoreMadonna1”;
textLeft = new Array();
textRight = new Array();
additionalText = new Array();
images[0] = “maxAndMichael”;
textLeft[0] = “<i>Max & Michael</i><br>oil on linen, 80 x 50 cm”;
textRight[0] = “2005”;
additionalText[0] = “”;
images[1] = “whoreMadonna1”;
textLeft[1] = “<i>Whore Madonna 1</i><br>oil on canvas, 110 x 174 cm”;
textRight[1] = “2006”;
additionalText[1] = “”;
images[2] = “bananaSplit”;
textLeft[2] = “<i>Banana Split</i><br>oil on canvas, 122 x 162 cm”;
textRight[2] = “2005”;
additionalText[2] = “”;
imagesNoOutline = new Array();
imagesNoOutline[0] = “maxAndMichael”;
imagesNoOutline[1] = “whoreMadonna1”;
imgDirectory = “images/paintings/”;